
Welcome Prospective Graduate Students! 



Dr. Frans Tax
Associate Dean, Student Affairs and Student Success

The University of Arizona (UArizona) Graduate College understands that diversity of ideas, perspectives, and approaches is critical to the generation of new knowledge.  We believe that students from diverse backgrounds bring distinctive life experiences and unique perspectives to scholarly inquiry, scientific problems, and interdisciplinary investigation--all of which are crucial to understanding our world and to resolving issues affecting all of humankind.

The Graduate College is committed to recruiting and retaining a talented, diverse student body.  Since 1995, we have increased access to and success in graduate school by offering assistance to talented undergraduates who have participated in graduate school preparation programs on our campus.  In fall 2023, UArizona is hosting approximately 9,000 graduate students.  Twenty-five percent (25%) are from underrepresented groups, including Latinx, Native Americans, and African Americans.  Our goal is to be proactive and provide effective support to help meet the specific needs of all graduate students.

We also recognize that students who have high financial need, are first-generation college students, who have disabilities, who are veterans, who are parents, who identify as LGBTQQ, etc. may need additional support.  When students join our graduate programs, we strive to offer support financially, professionally, and academically to help students achieve their academic goals and attain their graduate degrees.  According to the National Science Foundation's Survey of Earned Doctorates, the UA ranks 36th in the total number of doctoral degrees awarded in 2023, and first for Native Americans and 12th for Latinxs completing their PhDs (2018-2023).

Let us help support your graduate school aspirations!  Do not hesitate to contact the UA Graduate College if we may be of assistance in any way.