

Graduate Students From More Than 100 Countries

University of Arizona Graduate College;
Fall 2024

NEARLY 3,000

Teaching And Research Assistantships

University of Arizona Graduate College


QS World University Rankings, Academic Ranking of World Universities, Times Higher Education World University Rankings, and more

Student Spotlights

Headshot image of graduate student outside.

Cory Fish

Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics

"I graduated from West Point with a degree in Physics in 2015 and served for 8 years in Army Aviation. This year, I began the GIDP Applied Mathematics graduate program, which has been incredibly supportive during my transition out of the military. My family and I are really enjoying our time in Tucson and feel fortunate to be here!"

Headshot image of graduate alumnus in front of glass wall.

Celina Valencia, DrPH

Doctorate of Public Health

"One of the most important things I learned in graduate school was to build community with other graduate students and to share strategies and experiences. Learning to build community in graduate school has helped me navigate my career as a new faculty."

Headshot image of graduate student in front of beige wall.

Grace Adams

Master of Science in Marketing

"Getting a Master's degree from the University of Arizona Eller College of Management has been a wonderful experience. I have appreciated the opportunities to develop useful skills through real-world class projects, and opportunities to network with fellow graduate students and employers."