
View the UA UROC YouTube channel or click on individual program videos, below.
- Biosphere 2 REU - Miranda Bandelli
- CatVehicle REU - Cody Ross and Rachel Powers
- Maximizing Access to Research Careers Program (MARC) - Mackenzie Steinbach
- Minimizing Health Disparties Summer Research Program (MHD) - Rachael Hayes
- Minimizing Health Disparities Summer Research Program (MHD) - Kyle Goble
Faculty Perspectives --
- Dr. Jonathan Sprinkle, Former PI for the CatVehicle REU
- Dr. Frans Tax, Former Faculty Director for MHD Summer Program and the ASEMS program, now Associate Dean, Graduate College Student Affairs and Office of Diversity & Inclusion
Special thanks to Julian Ybarra and Scryer Media for the videography.