3 From UA Reflect on Peace Corps
UA News, Stacy Pigott, 2/26/2018
Feeding Our Future, Radio AZPM, 9/29/2016
UA Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows on You Tube
In honor of a recent visit by U.S. Peace Corps Director Carrie Hessler-Radalet, several Coverdell Fellows shared their Peace Corps experiences.
Anna Ortiz discusses the surprise her community in Panama felt when they met her.
Leishara Ward shared her story of building a sustainable regional library in Kenya and the excitement of visiting this summer.
Coppelia Tarantal tells the story of being asked to name babies in her village in Namibia.
Andrea Wheeler talks about Peace Corps life in the Dominican Republic.
News Stories
Leishara Ward is selected for a U.S. AID summer internship in Tanzania and blogged about her experience as a 2015 UANews student columnist. Read her blog here.
Robert Alvarez is named a Diplomacy and Diversity Fellow. Read the full story here.
Sharlot Hart receives the Centennial Award. Read the full story here.
Katie Silvester wins an American Fellowship from the American Association of University Women (AAUW).
The Drive to Serve, a Will to Learn, UA News
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