Candidacy Fees

Instructions for Students in Graduate Certificate Programs

You will report your expected graduation term to the Graduate College on your graduate certificate Plan of Study, submitted in GradPath.  To cover the costs of the official certificate diploma, your bursar's account will be billed candidacy fees of $15.00 at the time your Plan of Study is approved by the Graduate Student Academic Services office. These are one-time fees, and you will not be billed again if you change your anticipated graduation date. 

Instructions for Students in Master's or Specialist Programs

You will report your expected graduation term to the Graduate College on your Master’s/Specialist Plan of Study, submitted in GradPath.  Your bursar's account will be billed candidacy fees of $35.00 at the time your Plan of Study is approved by the Graduate Student Academic Services office. These are one-time fees, and you will not be billed again if you change your anticipated graduation date. 

Instructions for Students in Doctoral Programs

When you advance to doctoral candidacy your bursar's account will be billed the candidacy fees of $35.00  These are one-time fees and you will not be billed again if you change your anticipated graduation date.