Admissions Information
Academic Services, Policies, and Procedures
The Graduate College is here to help students, faculty, and staff keep track of academic progress and the steps needed to complete a graduate or professional degree.
- GradPath
- Policies
- Important Dates and Deadlines
- Dissertation and Thesis Information
- Graduate College Forms
Student Funding and Financial Resources
- Graduate Assistantships and Graduate Associateships
- Nominate Graduate Students for Graduate Access Fellowships
- Other Graduate College Funding Opportunities for Students
Other Resources
- Guidelines for Departmental Graduate Handbooks
- Graduate Council
- Graduate College Academic Administrators Council (G-CAAC)
- Teaching and Mentoring Award
- UA National Research Council
- Graduate Financial Recruitment Offer Letter (MS Word) - Important: To access this file you must have a Box@UA account and you must have either the Program Coordinator role or the Director of Graduate Studies role in GradPath.