SRI Scholars & Topics

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SRI 2020 - Online program!
Krisha Avalani
Cell Derived Microparticles: Biomarkers for Cardiovasular Health and Disease
University of Arizona, Biochemistry
Mentor: Dr. Marvin Slepian - Biomedical Engineering, Material Science Engineering

Amber Burrell
The Social Stratification of Sexual Misconduct: How Sexism, Racism, and Classism Determines a Sexual Misconduct Case
University of Arizona, Sociology
Mentor: Dr. Celina Valencia - Cancer Center Division, Graduate College

Caitlin Encinas
The Influcence of Climate Change on Southern Ocean Biological Productivity
University of Arizona, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Mentor: Dr. Joellen Russell - Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences

Justin Fleming
The Effect of COVID-19 on the Lung Endothelial Barrier
University of Arizona, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Mentor:  Dr. Joe G. Garcia - Medicine

Jonathan Friduss
Exploring Exciton Physcis at a Single Moiré Site
University of Arizona, Physics, Mathematics
Mentor: Dr. John Schaibley - Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciencs

Rebeca Garcia
Improving Streetcar Efficiency: Model and Approach
University of Arizona, Mechanical Engineering
Mentor: Dr. Larry Head - Systems and Industrial Engineering

Jaclyn John
Superconducting and Optical Properties of NbSe2
University of Arizona, Applied Physics
Mentor: Dr. John Schaibley - Physics and Atmospheric Sciences

Abigail Kahler
Coding an Algorithm to Explore Hydrologic Decision Making
University of Arizona, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences
Mentor: Dr. Ty Ferre - Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences

Nataniel Tsai
Pharmaceutical Benefit Managers and Drug Prices: What's the Link?
University of Arizona, Public Health and Politcal Science
Mentor: Dr. Keith Joiner - Medicine

SRI 2019

Adam Alfrey
Optically Inscribing Excitons for Applications in Quantum Information Science
University of Arizona, Mathematics and Physics
Mentor: Dr. John Schaibley – Physics

Angelica Boyles
A Theoretical Examination for a Sexual Violence Bystander Intervention Program in Bars
University of San Diego, Sociology and Psychology
Mentor: Dr. Elise Lopez – Social & Behavioral Sciences

Cyrena Gibson
Predicting Behaviors of Gun Ownership and Policy Preferences from Racial Attitudes
University of Arizona, Criminal Justice and Psychology
Mentor: Dr. Chris Weber – School of Government & Public Policy

Rebekah Jones
Evaluating Mental Health Courts: Essential Factors, Equity, & Missing Links
Cornell University, Development Sociology Justice and Public Policy
Mentor: Dr. Michele Walsh – School of Family & Consumer Sciences

Tykeyah Key
Lost-Cost Milli-Newton Thruster Test Stand for Novel In Space Propulsion
Rust College-Holly Springs Mississippi, Computer Science
Mentor: Dr. Jeken Thanga – Aerospace-Mechanical Engineering

Chelsea Kosiba
Preservice Teachers Experience and Motivations to Participate in World Music Ensembles
University of Arizona, Music Education
Mentor: Dr. Dawn Corso – School of Music

Lukas Nienhuis
Trust Relationship Study: A Comprehensive Review
University of Arizona, Business Administration
Mentor: Dr. Martin Reimann – Marketing

Rina Nkulu
Where in the World is The Digital Classroom?: Online Learning and Escaping “Any Time, Any Place”
University of Arizona, English
Mentor: Dr. Rochelle Rodrigo and Reese Davis – English

Graciela “Zonnie” Olivas
Household Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Outcomes of Hopi Residents
University of Arizona, Public Health
Mentor: Dr. Mary Kay O’Rourke – Community Environment & Policy

AJ Olsen
Dyadic Processes of Self-Focused Language and Moderation by Attachment
University of Arizona, Psychological Science
Mentor: Dr. Jessica Andrews-Hanna and Dr. Erin Maresh – Psychology

Javier Ramirez
Project Outreach FAMILIA: Strengthening the Hispanic Educational Pipeline in Arizona
University of Oklahoma, Human Relations and Women’s & Gender Studies
Mentor: Dr. Marla Franco , Center for the Study of Higher Education and Cindy Trejo, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

Helena Rodriguez
The Evaluation of Psychology and Counseling Graduate Program Materials
University of Arizona, Psychology
Mentor: Dr. Vanessa Perry – Disability Psychoeducational Studies

Neida Rodriguez
Beneficial Opportunities While Gardening in Southern Arizona and Sonora Area
University of Arizona, Anthropology
Mentor: Dr. Diane Austin – Applied Anthropology

Romy Sandoval
Missouri’s Response to the US Great Depression
University of Arizona, Business Economics
Mentor: Dr. Price Fishback – Economics

Caitlyn Seymour
The Effect of Worry on Cardiac Response
Northern Arizona University, Psychology
Mentor: Dr. John B. Allen and Michael Medrano – Psychology

Mike Shen
Facilitating Phonological Processing with Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)
University of Arizona, Neuroscience & Cognitive Science and Linguistics
Mentor: Dr. Aneta Kielar – Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences

Cedric Vicera
Persona Identification in Tele-ICU Data of Mechanically Ventilated Patients
University of Arizona, Philosophy
Mentor: Dr. Vignesh Subbian and Patrick Essay – Biomedical Engineering

Maliah Wilkinson
Moving Towards Culturally Competent Research in the Field of Speech-Language Pathology
University of Mississippi, Communication Sciences & Disorders
Mentor: Dr. Mary Alt and Dr. Genesis Arizmendi – Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences

Yinan Xu
A Differential Correction Scheme to design Lagrange points Constellations
University of Arizona, Mechanical Engineering
Mentor: Dr. Jekan Thanga – Aerospace-Mechanical Engineering

SRI 2018

Brendan Bogar

Title: Investigating a Framework for Visualizing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms via Quadrupedal Robotic Simulation

The University of Arizona, Mechanical Engineering

Mentor: Dr. Paul Reverdy, Aerospace and Mechancial Engineering


Audreunna Cleveland

Title: A Case Study: Examining Sleep, Mood, and Lifestyle Choices in 911 Telecommunicators

The University of Arizona, Psychology

Mentor: Dr. Tricia Haynes, Health Promotion Sciences


Olivia Cote

Title: Abstract for Thermoacoustic Imaging Informed Focused Microwave Therapy for Treatment of Early Breast Cancer: Preliminary Procedures

The University of Arizona, Electrical Engineering

Mentor: Dr. Hao Xin, Electrical and Computer Engineering


Jesus Gonzalez Franco

Title: Using LingView as a Tool in Language Documentation

The University of Arizona, Spanish Linguistics

Mentor: Dr. Wilson Silva, Linguistics


Hyun Lee

Title: A New Family: Evaluation of Camp Born This Way

The University of Arizona, Sociology

Mentor: Dr. Michele Walsh, Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences


Graig Lopez

Title: Physicians’ Hispanic Implicit Bias and Clinic Interaction Quality

The University of Arizona, Psychology

Mentor: Dr. Jeff Stone, Psychology


Christina Mu

Title: Predicting Executive Functions from Physical, Social, and Mental Activities in Older Adults Over 50

The University of Arizona, Psychology

Mentor: Dr. Lee Ryan, Chemistry and Biochemistry Sciences


Tasha Nez

Title: Using Soil DNA Biomass Quantification to Analyze Soil Variability at the ASARCO Mission Mine

The University of Arizona, Environment and Sustainability Studies, emphasis: Southwest Biodiversity

Mentor: Dr. Raina Maier, Soil Water and Environmental Science


Tyra Protho

Title: Health Disparities Among Amercian Indians and Alaska Natives Indivduals Living in Urban Areas

The University of Arizona, Psychology

Mentor: Dr. Nicole Yuan, Health Promotion Sciences


Rochelle Ranger

Title: Fostering a Relationship Between the Gila River Indian Community and the University of Arizona: An Analysis of Agricultural Establishments and Socioeconomic Impacts

The University of Arizona, Agribusiness Economics and Management

Mentor: Dr. Gary Thompson, Agricultural and Resource Economics


Margarita Ruedas

Title: The Relations Between Latina/o Youths' Language Hassles and their Math and Science Career Commitment

The University of Arizona, Family Studies and Human Development

Mentor: Dr, Melissa Delgado, Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences


Mauricio Serna

Title: Benefits of Reflective Ruminative Thoughts on Goal Attainment

The University of Arizona, Psychological Science

Mentor: Dr. Jessica Andrews-Hanna, Psychology



Liz Torres

Title: Perceived Differences in Cultural Competency Between Healthcare Providers and Latino Patients

The University of Arizona, The Care, Health & Society and Family & Human Development

Mentor: Dr. Richard Wood, Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences


Alison Watson

Title: Stem Cell mRNSs Control Gene Expression and Contribute to Prostate Cancer Progression

The University of Arizona, Biology

Mentor: Dr. Ronald Heimark, Surgery


Matias Yegros

Title: Yield and Quality of Greenhouse Grown Tomatos

The University of Arizona, Sustainable Plant Sysyems

Mentor: Dr. Gene Giacomelli, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

SRI 2017

Investigating the Overexpression of the IDH3 Protein in Drosophila Melanogaster Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Northern Arizona University, Biomedical Science
Mentor: Daniela Zarnescu, Molecular and Cellular Biology

Foundations for Art-Based Group Therapy with Homeless Women
The University of Arizona, Public Health and American Indian Studies
Mentor: Rosi Andrade, Southwest Institute for Research on Women

Truncation of the Coiled-coil Domain of Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase and Its Effect on Carbon Monoxide Binding
The University of Arizona, Biology
Mentor: William Montfort, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Against Epistocracy: A Critique of Brennan’s Conception of Competent Voters
The University of Arizona, Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and Law
Mentor: Suzanne Dovi, School of Government and Public Policy

The Effects of Fungal Symbionts on Zea Mays Germination
Northern Arizona University, Biomedical Science
Mentor: Betsy   Arnold, Plant Sciences

Finite Difference Solutions to the SPn Equation
The University of Arizona, Mechanical Engineering
Mentor: Barry   Ganapol, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

What Is Making a Difference? The Teacher- Student Relationship and Development of College-Going Aspirations for Native American Students
The University of Arizona, Literacy, Learning, and Leadership
Mentor: Gary Rhoades, Higher Education

Applying the Principles of Learning Theory as a Spelling Instruction Strategy
The University of Arizona, Speech and Language, Linguistics
Mentor: Mary   Alt, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences

On Higher Order Causal Explanations
University of Rochester, Philosophy
Mentor: Joseph Tolliver, Philosophy

Calibrating the Mass-Correlation Function Relationship for Galaxy Clusters
Northern Arizona University, Physics and Astronomy
Mentor: Eduardo Rozo, Physics

Nationalism and Academic Freedom in the Present Day
University of Notre Dame, Political Science and Gender Studies
Mentor: Anna Ochoa O'Leary, Mexican American Studies

Total Body Fat and Abdominal Obesity are Associated with Increased Subclinical Chronic Inflammation in Hispanic Girls
The University of Arizona, Nutritional Science
Mentor: Jennifer Bea, Medicine

Kate Del Castillo as a Mujer Brava in Ingobernable and La Reina Del Sur
University of Kansas, Journalism
Mentor: Jeannine Relly, Journalism

Design of a Novel Rectal Tonometer Artifact to Monitor Neurophysiological Status during Neural Tube Surgeries
The University of Arizona, Mechanical Engineering
Mentor: Eniko   Enikov, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Dietary Quality, Physical Activity, and Treatment Symptoms in Ovarian Cancer Survivors
Northern Arizona University, Exercise Science
Mentor: Cynthia Thomson, Health Promotions Science

Organophosphate and Pyrethroid Pesticide Exposure Among Residential and Agricultural Employee Housing in Yuma County, Arizona
The University of Arizona, Public Health
Mentor: Paloma Beamer and Melissa Furlong, Community, Environment and Policy

Perspectives of Hispanic Male’s Participation in a Gender- and Culturally-Sensitive Weight Loss Intervention
The University of Arizona, Public Health
Mentor: David   Garcia, Health Promotion Sciences

Planning For Two: The Caregiver As The Unacknowledged Patient During End Of Life Care
St. John’s University, Psychology
Mentor: Mary-Frances O'Connor, Psychology

SRI 2016

Guadalupe Bermejo

Rule Governance: Fidelity within generations of people
Hunter College, Psychology
Mentor: W. Jake Jacobs, Psychology

Jayme Biakeddy

Obstructive Sleep Apnea and High-fat Diet lead to Inflammation of the Liver
Northern Arizona University, Exercise Science
Mentor: Jesse Martinez, Cellular and Molecular Medicine

Kimberly Cardenas
Latin@ Immigrant Students and Racialization
Cornell University, Political Science
Mentors: Anna Ochoa O'Leary and Raquel Rubio-Goldsmith, Mexican American Studies

Jin Collins
Rod-shaped bacteria that replicate faster grow longer (Belgrave & Wolgemuth, 2013)
University of Texas El Paso, Physics
Mentor: Charles Wolgemuth, Physics

Knox Corbett
The Importance of Spatial Modeling in the Investigation of Ancient Mediterranean Artisan Workshops’ Manufacturing Processes, Methods, and Allocation of Workforces
The University of Arizona, Classics
Mentor: Eleni Hasaki, Anthropology

Felicia Saltwater
Diagnostic Accuracy in Bilingual Phonological Assessment: Preventing Health Disparities
University of New Mexico, Speech and Hearing Sciences and Linguistics
Mentor: Leah Fabiano-Smith, Speech, Language, and Hearing Science

Kietze Garcia
Introduction of Mobile Language Application for Santa Ana Pueblo
The University of Arizona, Linguistics and the Race Track Industry Program
Mentor: Ofelia Zepeda, Linguistics

Ellen Gilbert
Exploring Climatic Influence on Speciation
The University of Arizona, Natural Resource Management
Mentor: John Wiens, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Galen Gudenkauf
Task allocation-body size relationships in the ant Temnothorax rugatulus
The University of Arizona, Entomology
Mentor: Anna Dornhaus, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Marvin Hoo
Self-Referential Cueing and Autobiographical Memory in Traumatic Brain Injury Adults
University of Central Florida, Psychology
Mentor: Matt Grilli, Psychology

Mardo Lewis
Investigating Sonar Technology for Monitoring Bridge Scour
The University of Arizona, Civil Engineering
Mentor: Hongki Jo, Civil Engineering

Ashly Lona
Exploring the relationship between institutional arrangement and outcomes in payments for ecosystem services
The University of Arizona, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Mentor: Laura Lopez Hoffman, School of Natural Resources and the Environment

Melissa Norris
Effects of Endohyphal Bacteria on Fungal Degradation of Plant Material (Platycladus orientalis)
The University of Arizona, Family Studies and Human Development
Mentor: Betsy Arnold, Plant Sciences

Leslie Ortega
Risk Communication and Perceptions of the Santa Clarita Valley Softener Ban
California State Fullerton, Cell and Developmental Biology
Mentor: Kelly Reynolds, Public Health

Michelle Perez-Coronado
Finding the Connection between Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs) and Surfaces in Healthcare Settings: An Integrative Review
The University of Arizona, Public Health
Mentor: Kelly Reynolds, Public Health

Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators for Active Flow Control
The University of Arizona, Mechanical Engineering
Mentor: Jesse Little, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Gabriel RodriGuez
Latino Males Navigating Community College: The Intersection of Gender and Ethnicity
San Jose State University, Sociology
Mentor: Regina Deil-Amen, Higher Education

Lidielisa Esquivel
Identifying HIV Prevention Programs in Mexico and Central America for Female Sex Workers (FSW): A Scoping Review
The University of Arizona, Public Health
Mentor: Cecilia Rosales, Public Health and Celina Valencia, Graduate Student

Destiny Timmons
The Context of Culture in an Intercultural Classroom
The University of Arizona, Anthropology
Mentors: Diane Austin and Nick Ferdinandt, Anthropology

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SRI 2015 Abstracts:
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SRI 2015
Ian Avilez -  Optical Richness and Luminosity Mass Estimation of Galazy Clusters;  Mentor: Dr. Eduardo Rozo
Linda Cifuentes - The Effects of Cultural Beliefs on Medication Adherence Among Multi-Cultural Patients with Depression; Mentor: Dr. Susan Shaw
Vanessa Delgado - Funds of Identity Among Community College Students in the Development of the Academic Self; Mentor: Dr. Regina Deil-Amen 
Jafet Diego - The Intersectionality of Race and Gender in Latino Electoral Politics; Mentor: Dr. Barbara Norrander
Dannya Desiree Esquivel - A Comparative Study of Traffic Denisity and Demographics in Pima County; Mentor: Dr. Paloma Beamer
Andrea Fulgham - Language Revitalization: Methods, Motivation, and the Role of the Linguist; Mentor: Dr. Tyler Peterson
Alberto Heras - Intersection Management via the Opportunistic Organization of Platoons by Route; Mentor: Dr. Jonathan Sprinkle  
Erica Hernandez - Effects of Spectral Quality on Pigment Production in Red Leaf Lettuce; Mentor: Dr. Gene Giacomelli
Roxanna Maldonado - Parents as Accurate Reporters, Mentor: Dr. Mary Alt
Jennifer Daw - Validating PCR Primers for Microbial Bile Salt Hydrolases and 7-ALPHA Dehydroxylases in DNA From Human Stool; Mentor: Dr. Nathan A. Ellis
Leah Guerrero - Intergenerational Caregiving, Acculturation, and Mental Health Wellness in the Pascua Yaqui Tribe; Mentor: Corrie Brinley, MSW
Mariana Manriquez - Adding to Theories of Agonistic Democracy: Introducing Institutionalized Resistance as a Way to Practice Agonistic Democracy; Mentor: Dr. Suzanne Dovi
Laura Moedano - Ethical Considerations Regarding the Treatment of Non-suicidal Self-Injurious (NSSI) Behavior; Mentor: Dr. Michael Gill
Kristen Natonie - Evaluating Self-Efficacy in Volunteers Working with Special Needs Children; Mentor: Dr. Mary Koithan
Yadira Oregon - Family Support and Campus Climate Relevance to URIM Experiences in a Pre-Medical Program; Mentor: Dr. Jeffrey Milem
Joshua Owl - Laced with Uncertainty: The Impact of Shoe Gear Fastening on Dorsal Shear Stress; Mentor: Dr. Bijan Najafi
Victoria Ramirez - The Effect of Chronic Toxoplasma Gondii Infection on Hippocampal Neurodegeneration; Mentor: Dr. Anita Koshy
Natalya Canyon Robbins Sherman - Urban Green Spaces as a Human Health Resource in Citites; Mentor: Dr. Laura Lopez Hoffman
Sierra Yslas - The Effects of Fathering Quality on Daughters' Adult Sexual Outcomes and Adolescent Emotional and Conduct Problems; Mentor: Dr. Bruce J. Ellis
Brian Zamarripa Roman - Transport Properties of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy; Mentor: Dr. Weigang G. Wang

SRI 2014
Jaynie Anguiano - The Role of Environmental Strress in Cognitive and Behavioral Development; Mentor: Dr. W. Jake Jacobs, Psychology
Luis Camacho - Regulation of Nuclear B-Catenin by ARF6; Mentor: Dr. Ronald L. Meimark, Surgery
Ashton Conner - PDGFR-B inhibitor as an Inflamation Reduction Agent in Acute Lung Injury; Mentor: Dr. Joe "Skip" Garcia with Hector Quijada, Health Sciences
Alonso Favela - Does Starvation Affect Energy Allocation To Different Body Parts?; Mentor: Dr. Goggy Davidowitz, Entomology
Matthew Gamble - Sensitivity of Future Accelerators For Vector-Like B Quark Pair-Production; Mentor: Dr. Erich Varnes, Physics
Sarafina Gorman - Excessive Mutational Load Found In Patients with a Family History of Cancer; Mentor: Dr. Christina Laukaitis, Medicine, Arizona Cancer Center
Jhamere Howard - Love Dominoes: The Mate Selection of African-American Women at Research Universities; Mentor: Dr. Celestino Fernandez, Sociology
Tyrene Hubbard - Barries in Access to Cancer Resrources for American Indians in Rural America; Mentor: Dr. Molly Bolger, Molecular and Cellular Biology 
John Huerta - Spanish Conquest?; Mentor: Dr. Kevin Gosner, History
Courtney Joe - The Influence of Dietary Micronutrient Intake of B-12, Manganese and Phosphorous on Bone Structure & Strength  in Young Girls; Mentor: Dr. Jennifer Bea, Arizona Cancer Center and Nutritional Sciences
Lilly Nguyen - Physician Participation Rates in AHCCCS in Maricopa County's Large Citites; Mentor: Dr. Howard Eng, Public Health
Yiamar Rivera Matos - Assessing Changes In the Plant Availability Of Metals In Semi-Arid iron King Mine Tailings Resulting From Plant-Assisted Stabilization; Mentor: Dr. Jon Chorover, Soil, Water, and Environmental Science
Ember Sikorski - Metrology Of High harmonic Generation Geometries Towards Higher Efficiency Attosecond Spectoscopy; Mentor: Dr. Arviner Sandhu, Physics
Andrew Sikorsky - Comparison of Stiffness Properties of Biomimetic Scaffolds and Sheep Bone that the Scaffolds will Replace; Mentor: Dr. John Szivek, Biomedical Engineering
Lucia Sweeney - Long Term Memory Ability Accross the Development of the Hippocampus; Mentor: Dr. Rebecca Gomez, Psychology
Netallia Tsosie - Defining Community Engagement: Indigenous and Academic Perspectives; Mentor: Dr. Teshia A. Solomon, Native American Research & Training Center
Ivan Valdovinos - The Education Bariers and Coping Streategies of latino Male Undergraduates at The University of Arizona; Mentor: Dr. Nolan L. Cabrera, Educational Policy Studies & Practice
Elmer Zapata-Mercado - Evaluation of Monomer Chain Lengths for Stabilization of Black Lipid Membranes Via Polymer Scaffolding; Mentor: Dr. Craig Aspinwall, Chemistry and Biochemistry

SRI 2013

David Adeleye - Internet Use and The Health of Civil Society; Mentor: Dr. Barbara Norrander, Government & Public Policy
Danielle Ambuel -  Nutritional Quality of Food Advertisements in Children’s Programming; Mentor: Dr. Melanie Hingle, Nutritional Sciences
Amanda Bahe - Issues in Disabilities in Indigenous Populations: A Literature Review; Mentor: Dr. Teshia Soloman, Family and Community Medicine
Lori Barnard - Image Variabiity and Elementary Science Vocabulary Learning; Mentor: Dr. Mary Alt, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
Clarissa Becerra - “The Language of Recovery”: Therapeutic Discourse as an Interpretive Venture; Dr. Suzanne Dovi, School of Government and Public Policy
Fedra Calderon - Sleep and Word Generalization in 15-month-olds; Mentor: Dr. Rebecca Gomez, Department of Psychology
Tera Cupis - The Educational and Economic Impacts of Young Co-Survivors of Cancer; Mentor: Dr. Catherine Marshall, Disability and Psycholeducational Studies
DiAngele Augustus - Self-Reported Social Activities Correlate with Cognitive Functioning in Older Adults; Mentor: Dr. Lee Ryan, Department of Psychology
Iris Francisco - Protein secretion from coronary endothelial cells under high glucose stress treated with glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist Exendin-4; Mentor: Dr. Betsy Dokken, Medicine
Celia Garcia Amparan - Isolation of the eleventh laser harmonic with thin Indium filter for EUV transient absorption spectroscopy; Mentor: Dr. Arvinder Sandhu, Physics Department
Ramiro Garza - Effects of Endohyphal Bacteria on the Degradation of Cellulose and Lignin by Fungal Endophytes; Mentor: Dr. A. Elizabeth Arnold, School of Plant Sciences
Maisal Goe - Does Impact Exercise Positively Affect Bone Parameters?; Mentor: Dr. Scott Going, Nutritional Sciences
Bree Gomez Rodriguez -  Habitat for Soil Microbes, Sustainable Agriculture; Mentor: Dr. Virginia Rich, Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences
Jose Gonzalez - The Role of Social Support Networks Among Low-Income Families During Middle Childhood; Mentor: Dr. Melissa A. Barnett, Family Studies and Human Development
Esther Gotleib - Vacancy Rates of Selected Health Professionals in Rural Arizona Hospitals and Their Capacity to Meet Hospital Service Needs; Mentor: Dr. Howard J. Eng; College of Public Health
Karen Lara - The United States Nationalism and Its Correlation to Codified and Institutionalized Racism in the Form of the Laws SB1070 and HB2281; Mentor: Dr. Michael Polakowski, School of Government and Public Policy
Quinea Lassiter - Pioneering New Drug Targets for Inhibiting c-Myc Expression; Mentor: Dr. Robert Brown, Pharmaceutical Sciences 
Rebecca Levy - Testing the Relationship between Polarization Angle and Wavelength in Sagittarius A *; Mentor: Dr. Daniel P. Marrone, Astonomy
Zachary Lutey - Estimating Volume Dependence of Metastatic Rate in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer; Mentor: Dr. Ardith El-Kareh, Arizona Research Laboratories
Luis Montano - Synthesis and Characterization of 4-methoxyphenol Derivatives as Precursors for the Oxidative Dearomatization of Benzofuran Synthesis; Mentor: Dr. Jon Njardarson, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Estrella Ochoa - The Role of Caring Adults in Moderating The Effects of Bicultural Stress on Academic Aspirations; Mentor: Dr. Dr. Andrea Romero, Family and Human Development
Marina Paggen - Two Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Synthesis and Mechanical Exfoliation; Mentor: Dr. Brian LeRoy, Department of Physics
Alexandria Partida - Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma in Mexican Americans Residing in the Southwestern United States from 2006-2010; Mentor: Dr. Jennie Joe, Native American Research and Training Center in the Department of Family and Community Medicine
Monique Perez - Parental Involvement and Early childhood Biliteracy Among Mexican Descent Parents; Mentor: Dr. Andrea J. Romero
Krystal Price - Effects of Physical Activity and Menarcheal Status on Female Adolescent Bone Development; Mentor: Dr. Scott Going, Nutritional Sciences
Aungelique Rodriguez - Reproductive Justice and Resistance in the U.S.-Mexico Border Lands: Anti-Immigration Policy’s Effects on Immigrant Women’s Access to Healthcare; Mentor: Dr. Anna O'Leary, Mexican American Studies
Bree Rodriguez - Habitat for Soil Microbes.  Sustainable Agriculture; Mentor: Dr. Virginia Rich, Soil, Water, and Environmental Science
Karina Rodriguez - The Disconnect Between the Requirements for Admission to Medical School and the Requirements for Success in the Medical Profession; Mentor: Dr. Jeffrey F. Milem, Educational Policy Studies & Practice
Jon Rudolph - Rommel and the Israeli Defense Force; Mentor: Dr. Susan Crane, Department of History
Kathryn Ryan - Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli effecter protein EspF promotes EGFR degradation; Mentor: Dr. V.K. Viswanathan, Department of Veterinary Science and Microbiology
Madeline Ryder - Visions in the Desert: An Exploratory Study on the Santa Cruz River, Its Health and What We Should (or Shouldn't) Do About It; Mentor: Dr. Gary Pivo, School of Landscape Architecture & Planning
Maryann Shakir - Rationalizing Racism: Arizona Representative’s Employment of Euphemisms for Assault on Mexican American Studies; Mentor: Dr. Nolan Cabrera, Educational Policy Studies and Practice
Kevin Thompson - Geographic Association Between Dactylopius Coccus and its Host Plant Opuntioidae; Mentor: Dr. David Baltrus, Plant Sciences
Magenta Tygret - Using Chlamydomonas to Investigate Concepts of Cellular Asymmetry and Movement; Mentor: Dr. Carol Dieckmann, Molecular and Cellular Biology

SRI 2012


2012 SRI Scholars

Arturo Adame - Power Loss Effects in PV Modules Due to Angle of Incidence; Mentor:  Dr. Alexander Cronin,  Dept. of Physics
Michelle Aguilera - Using the Community Cultural Wealth Theory to Investigate Middle School Student Aspirational Capital and Social Capital; Mentor: Dr. Andrea Romero, Family Studies and Human Development
Ashley Anhalt - Modeling Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water Treatment; Mentor:  Dr. A. Eduardo Sáez, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Henry Ayoola - Bioaccessibility of Arsenic and Lead in Iron King Mine Tailings and Dependence on Mineralogy and Speciation; Mentor Dr. Avelino E. Saez, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Edelio Bazan - Microbial Diversity Affiliated with Fruits of Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea), the Iconic Sonoran Desert Cactus; Mentor:  Dr. Elizabeth Arnold, School of Plant Sciences
Alyssa Begay - A Ten-Year picture: Changes in Mother and Child Health in the La Paz/Mohave Region; Mentor:  Dr. Michele Walsh, Family and Consumer Sciences Department
Michael Bryant - Social Spending and Economic Growth issues in Japan, Russia, and China; Mentor:  Dr. Price Fishback, Economics Department
Peter Cerda - Diversity and Heavy Metal Tolerance of Endolichenic Fungi in the Lichen Xanthoparmelia in Southeastern Arizona; Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Arnold, School of Plant Sciences
Oscar Galvan - Evaluation of Reducing Energy Costs using Precooling in Desert Climates; Mentor:  Dr. Roman Lysecky, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Armando Garcia - Exploring the Effects of Electron-Electron Interactions on the Absorption Spectra of Increasingly Larger Fragments of Graphene; Mentor:  Dr. Sumit Mazumdar, Department of Physics
Gabriel Garcia - A Survey of 87Sr/86Sr Values from Worldwide Hydrothermal and Igneous-related Ore Deposits; Mentor:  Dr. Frank Mazdab, Department of Geosciences
Colleen Hale - Water Strategies and Knowledge Sharing in the Arid Southwest; Mentor:  Dr. Stephanie Buechler, School of Geography and Development
Edlin Herdnandez - Architecture Design Interventions for Human Thermal Comfort in Outdoor Spaces; Mentor: Dr. Kevin E. Lansey, College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
Marisela Lozano - The Role of the Catechol O-methyltransferase (COMT) Genotype in the Executive Functioning of Older Adults; Mentor:  Dr. Lee Ryan, Department of Psychology
Lauren Malanga - Tucson Urban Bobcat Study; Mentor:  Dr. Melanie Culver and Lisa Haynes, School of Natural Resources and the Environment
Amber Medina - Low Signal to Noise Galaxy Spectra and Photometric Redshift Estimation; Mentor:  Dr. Elliott Cheu, Department of Physics
Kessley Medina - Latent Period of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ in the Potato (Tomato) Psyllid Bactericera Cockerelli (s.o. Homoptera: Psyllidae) Following Different Acquisition-Access Periods; Mentor:  Dr. Judith K. Brown, College of Agriculture and Life Science
May Mgbolu - No Place for Health: Understanding the Cultural and Social Impact among Native American Women with Trauma; Mentor:  Dr. Rosi Andrade, Gender and Women's Studies Department
Robert Quiroz - Alternative Combination Methods for the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence; Mentor:  Dr. Moysey Brio, Department of Mathematics
Jessica Salazar - Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Measurements to Determine the Band Gap of Molybdenum Disulfide; Mentor:  Dr. Brian LeRoy, Physics
Alisha Schmidt - Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia in Those with Worry, Anxiety, Obsessions, and Compulsions; Mentor:  Dr. John J.B. Allen, Psychology Department
Johnathan Siquieros - Medicinal Applications of Larrea tridentata, the Creosote Bush, according to the Tohono O’odham; Mentor:  Dr. David Yetman, The Southwest Center
Brian Suarez - Modeling of Few-Mode Fibers and Compensation for Mode Cross-Talk; Mentor: Dr. Ivan B. Djordjevic, College of Optical Sciences 
Elizabeth Uriarte - Silent Voices: Undocumented Migrants Lost Between Federal and State Bureaucracies; Mentor:  Dr. Celeste Gonzalez De Bustamante, School of Journalism
Brian Valenzuela - Arbitrary Precision Computation of the Riemann-Siegel Approximation of the Riemann Zeta Function off the Critical Line; Mentor:  Dr. Moysey Brio, Department of Mathematics
Erick Vega - Series Expansion of the Riemann Zeta Function Inside the Critical Strip; Mentor:  Dr. Dr. Moysey Brio, Department of Mathematics
Wesley Wilkins - Preliminary Investigations of the Rotunda Throne Room Fault Complex at Kartchner Caverns State Park, Arizona; Mentor:  Dr. George Davis, Department of Geosciences

SRI 2011


2011 SRI Scholars

Rebecca Archer - The Impact of Proficiency and Working Memory on Second Language Processing: A Study Using ERP; Mentor: Dr. Gayle Dede, Speech,  Language and Hearing Sciences
Shannon Archuleta - Why We Remember:  Emotion's Role in Autobiographical Memory; Mentor: Dr. Lee Ryan, Psychology
Angelia Castorena - Informant Reports Following Marital Separation: More than Self-Report Alone?; Mentor: Dr. David Sbarra, Psychology
Samantha De La Fuente - Crouching Tiger:  The Effect of China's Rise on U.S.-Mexico Trade; Mentor: Dr. Kathleen Schwartzman, Sociology
Bryan Demapan - Low Metallicity Quasars at Redshift Larger than 3 (2<z<4); Mentor: Dr. Xiaohui Fan, Steward Observatory
Thomas Eubanks - Genetic Characterization of Putative Arsenite-Oxidizing Bacteria Isolated from the Lower Laguna Madre of Texas; Mentor: Dr. Megan McEvoy, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Abraham Garcia - Migrant Farmworker Injury and Crop Associations in Yuma, Arizona; Mentor: Dr. Scott Carvajal, Public Health - Health Promotions Sciences
Armando Garcia - The Hartree-Fock Molecular Orbital Method as Applied to the Coronene Molecule; Mentor: Dr. Sumit Mazumdar, Physics
Steven Garcia - Reward Seeking and Anxiety:  Influence of Novel Food Reward on Behavior in a Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Rat Model; Mentor: Dr. Jean-Marc Fellous
Kristen Godfrey - Where to Now?  NAFTA's effect on Indigenous Women and Migration in Chiapas; Mentor: Dr. Kevin Gosner, History
Alondra Hernandez - Ag-TiO2:  Antimicrobial Nanoparticles in Textile Applications; Mentor: Dr. Charles P. Gerba, Soil, Water, and Environmental Science
Michael (Micheal) Hoffman - Pack Your Things and Get Out:  Athenian Ostrcism as a Mechanism of Accountability in the American Democracy; Mentor: Dr. Susan Dovi, Government & Public Policy
Shivanna S. Johnson - Antimicrobial Susceptibility Profiles of C. Jejuni isolated from Beef Cattle; Mentor: Dr. Lynn A. Joens, Veterinary Science and Microbiology
Casey Mackin - Integration of Hardware/Sofware Communication Middleware and Framework for Seamless Dataflow in Data Adaptable Embedded Systems; Mentor:  Dr. Roman Lysecky, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Brittany R. Pena - The Effects of a Fungai Endophyte Symbosis on Arsenic Uptake by Corn; Mentor:  Dr. A. Elizabeth Arnold, Plant Pathology and Microbiology
Lisa M. Sullivan - Does Stereotype Threat Affect High-School Student Standardized Test Performance?; Mentor:  Dr. Laura G. Lunsford, Psychology
Sofia Tirado - Politicized Notions of Blackness:  A Comparison Study of the Mulatta in A Escrava Isaura and Lola Leroy; Mentor:  Dr. Geta LeSeur-Brown, English
Mario A. Valdez - Effect of Oxy-Acetylene Torch Test Flame Conditions on the Ablation Resistance of Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic Composites at Elevated Temperatures; Mentor:  Dr. Erica L. Corral, Dr. William R. Pinc, Materials Science and Engineering Department
Bryant G. Valencia - Campus Racial Climate and the Latina/o Experience: Racial Microagressions and Responses; Mentor:  Dr. Nolan L. Cabrera, Center for the Study of Higher Education
Manuel J. Villegas - Advanced Oxidation of Trace Organics in Water by Hydrogen Peroxide Solar Photolysis; Mentor:  Dr. Eduardo Sáez, Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Tatiana Walker - Parent-Mediated Early Intervention in Young Children with Autism:  Synchrony, Verbal Praise and Directiveness; Mentor: Dr. Ann M. Mastergeorge, Family and Consumer Sciences - Family Studies and Human Development
Sarah Wang - To Use or Not to Use?  Theorizing how Felt Stigma Related to Coupon Usage Influences Subsequent Coupon Use; Mentor:  Dr. Anita Bhappu, Family and Consumer Sciences


SRI 2010

Ruben Alberto Bravo Castano - The Role of Traffic Heuristic and Affect Depreciation in Timing Callbacks; Mentor: Dr. Narayan Janakiraman, Marketing
Alexandra Chavez - The Implications of Tourism Development on Mexico's Community Development and Heritage Conservation; Mentor: Dr. R. Brooks Jeffrey, School of Architecture
Kimberly Danny - The Role of Trans-membrane Temperature Difference in Sweeping Gas Membrane Distillation; Mentor: Dr. Wendell Ella, Chemical & Environmental Engineering
Natasha Kyte - A Different Prospective on Phonology: The ASL-phabet; Mentor: Dr. Samuel Supalla, Disability & Psychoeducational Studies
Amanda Adelina Lopez - Apraxia of Speech: A Look into Vowel Errors and Their Treatment; Mentor: Dr. Edwin Maas; Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences
Laura Sofia Montes Sujo - Finding the Chilling Tolerance of Three Cucurbit Rootstock and Scion Varieties for Future Study of Grafted Plants; Mentor: Dr. Chieri Kubota, Plant Sciences
Karen Quintana - Immigration & Arizona: The Use of Frame Theory within News Media; Mentor: Dr. Kate Kenski, Communication
Jeannette Sanchez - Federal vs. State Anti-Immigration Fervor: Calling Attention to Discriminatory Immigration Legislation in the United States and Arizona; Mentor: Dr. Celestino Fernandez, Sociology
Antoinette Tafoya - The Words of Fourth Grade Students: Interests, Prior Knowledge and Comprehension in Terms of Reading and Student Success; Mentor: Dr. Patricia Anders, Education
Melissa Valdez - Complementation of Outer Membrane Factor of Copper Resistance System, CusCFBA, in Escherichia Coli; Mentor: Dr. Chris Rensing, Microbiology
Chase Andrew Velasquez - Re-Building American Indian Nations:  Overcoming the Consequences of Colonization through Effective Tribal Courts; Mentor: Dr. Manley Begay; American Indian Studies
R'nld Ruth Wheeler - Sex Differences in the Use of Landmark Cues to Solve the Traveling Salesperson Problem; Mentor: Dr. Jean-Marc Fellous, Applied Mathematics

SRI 2009


2009 SRI Scholars

Camille Bigelow - The Usefulness of Three Technical Indicators in Forecasting Stock Index Futures Prices in an Economic Downturn; Mentor: Dr. Roger Dahlgran
Carlos Figueroa - Demand/Withdraw Interaction Differences Between Latino and Anglo-American Adolescents: A Cultural Perspective; Mentor: Dr. Varda Shoham and Dr. Michael Rohrbaugh
Denise Garcia - Assessment of Longer Term Environmental Change in the San Simon Watershed Following Significant Structural Intervention to Control Desertification; Mentor: Dr. Barron Orr
Daniel Lopez - Activity Patterns in Youth with Diabetes in Response to a 16-Week Exercise Intervention; Mentor: Dr. Melissa Faulkner
Joel Ramirez - Trying to Learn the History of a Community: The Case of Tamichopa, Sonora, Mexico; Mentor: Dr. Kevin Gosner
Nik Sharp - Morpheme-Based Segmentation with Voting Experts; Mentor: Dr. Paul Cohen
Octavio Ulloa - Water Sustainability Through Water Harvesting; Mentor: Dr. Chris Scott
Monique Vasquez - Attachment, Language, and Divorce:  The Role of Linquistic Immediacy in Coping; Mentor: Dr. David Sbarra
Cordell Yazzie - Seismic-Resistant Design of Concentrically Braced Frames; Mentor: Dr. Robert Fleischman

SRI 2008


2008 SRI Scholars

Julia Barajas - One Land, One People (?): The Production and Consumption of Zapatista Iconography by Mexican Chicagoans; Mentor: Dr. Nicole Guidotti-Hernandez and Dr. Liz Kennedy
Courtnee Benford - An Evaluation of Knowledge Gain in Vidal: A Bilingual Breast Cancer Education Series Delivered Via Telemedicine to Rural Sites in Arizona; Mentor: Dr. Ana Maria Lopez
Liza Castillo - Factors That Influence English Word Learning in Bilingual Children; Mentor: Dr. Mary Alt
Constance Falleaf - Indigenous Languages: An Overview of the Status of Endangered Languages with a Focus on Efforts Towards Revitalization; Mentor: Dr. Ofelia Zepeda
Carl Green - Leadership Opportunities for African-American versus Whites inthe NFL; Mentor: Dr. Lisa Ordonez
Danielle Jackman - Did They Learn Anything Important?: Evaluating the Psychology Methods Course at the University of Arizona; Mentor: Dr. Jake Jacobs
Amy McCleney - Buoyancy Convection due to Temperature and Concentration Non-Uniformity through Linear Stability Analysis; Mentor: Dr. Cholik Chan
Tiffany Parms - The Correlation between Demography and Participation in a Longitudinal Study of Airway Obstructive Disease; Mentor: Dr. Stefano Guerra
Lindsay Schroeder - Oreos and Twinkies: Forming a Racial Identity in Transracial Adoption; Mentor: Dr. Jim Shockey and Dr. Henry A. Walker
Tamela Smith - Comparison of Foreign National Hispanics Dental Health Conditions to U.S. Hispanics; Mentor: Dr. Bruce Anderson
Jennifer Stanley - Curriculum Development on Open Source Software; Mentor: Dr. Jack Elliot, assisted by Heather Jepsen, M.A.
Teresa Tejeda - Video-Based Motion Tracking and External Feedback as a Rehabilitative Tool for People with Parkinson's Disease; Mentor: Dr. Ann Baldwin and Dr. Becky Farley
Naomi Tom - Growing Up Tohono O'odham: An Oral Historical Discourse; Mentor: Dr. Yolanda Broyles-Gonzalez
Nicole Torrence - The Relationship between White Matter Hyperintensities, Cognitive Functioning, and Genetic Risk for Alzheimer's Disease in Elderly Adults with Hypertension; Mentor: Dr. Lee Ryan
Gabrielle Wahnetah - Community Health Worker Models along the U.S. and Mexico Border; Mentor: Dr. Cecilia Rosales

SRI 2007


2007 SRI Scholars

Dilyara Agisheva - Expanding the Space of Oppositional Politics: The Operations of Palestinian Hip Hop Group DAM; Mentor: Dr. Janet Sturman
Idalie Beyer - The Effects of Habitual Uses and Voluntary Manipulation of Emotiona Regulation on Memory for Emotional Stimuli; Mentor: Dr. Al Kasniak
Tahlia Bragg - The Presence of Test Differences in Neuropsychological Assessments of African American and Hispanic Young Adults; Mentor: Dr. Lee Ryan 
Marina Cervantes - Evaluation of Internet-based Diabetes Management and Coping Skills Programs for Teens with Type 1 Diabetes; Mentor: Dr. Kurt Griffin with assistance from Melissa Faulkner  
Meheret Debebe - The Effect of Sterotype Threat on Self-association to Math and Working Memory Capacity ; Mentor: Dr. Toni Schmader
Adela Garza - Mentor: Dr. Aleksander Ellis
Daisy Gonzales - The Femicides in Ciudad Juarez and Chihuahua: A Needs Assessment Evaluating the 40-point Program; Mentor: Dr. Stephen Cornell and Dr. Ian Record 
Leoule Goshu - Advocate People before Corporations: Recommendations for the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index; Mentor: Dr. Laura Briggs 
Mariana Lever - Supply Chain Modeling and Analysis; Mentor: Dr. Larry Head, Dr. Guzin Bayraksan, Dr. Simge Kucukyavuz, and Dr. Young-Ju Son 
Gianina Logan - Methods of Recruitment of Arizona Households for an Arsenic Cancer Correlation Study; Mentor: Dr. Robin Harris 
Fernando Marenco - The Relationship Among Hypertension, Genetic Risk Factor for Alzeimer's Disease, and White Matter Lesions in the Brains of Older Adults; Mentor: Dr. Lee Ryan
Rabiah Muhammad - The Role of Racial-Ethnicity and Cultural Identity on the Academic Achievement of Native American Students; Mentor: Dr. Stephanie Fryberg 
Gema Ornelas - Memorials in Perquin, El Salvador: Redefining Memorial Murals through Collective Memory and Community History; Mentor: Dr. Stephanie Widdifield 
Deleana Otherbull - The Effect of Identity Safe Contexts on Academic Engagement for American Indian Students; Mentor: Dr. Stephanie Fryberg 
Jorge Ramallo - "De Puerta a Puerta" Comprehensive Study of Promotoras From the U.S.-Mexico Border; Mentor: Dr. Lisa Stern 
Romare Truely - Congestion-Based Toll Pricing: Increasing Viability, Increasing Acceptability; Mentor: Dr. Yi-Chang Chiu
Bee Vang - Effects of Family Composition: A Sister Sibling Study; Mentor: Dr. Bruce Ellis with assistance from Elizabeth Tilley 
Kathryn Weik - Isotope Ratios: What They Imply about the Martian Climate; Mentor: Dr. William Boynton with assistance from Heather Enos 
Kyana Young - Degradation of Endocrine Disruptors via Photolysis; Mentor: Dr. Wendell Ela and Dr. Avelino Saez

SRI 2006


2006 SRI Scholars

Jessica Aguilar - Receptive Language in Adults: an fMRI Study; Mentor: Dr. Elena Plante
Fabiola Bien-Aime - Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Arizona-Sonora Region; Mentor: Dr. Cecilia Rosales
Martina Dawley - A Tohono O'odham Miniature Pottery Cache from Kitt Peak: A Case Study from the Arizona State Museum from the Southwest Pottery Project; Mentor: Dr. Nancy Odegaard
Israel Favela - Paleolithic Pigment Processing of Kostienki l-1; Mentor: Dr. Pam Vandiver
Derek Hembree - The Literary Architect: The Reconstruction Poetry of Frances E.W. Harper; Mentor: Dr. Wendy Theodore
Armando Xavier Membrila - Propulsion Solutions for NASAs Dynamically Scaled Personal Aviation Vehicle; Mentor: Dr. Herman Fasel
Julia Ornelas - La Mujer Abnegada, Mexican Women and the Bracero Program: 1942-1963; Mentor: Dr. Karen Anderson
Natasha Raming - Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Repetition Priming: An fMRI Study; Mentor: Dr. Lee Ryan
Reyniak Richards - A Novel Approach to the Multimerization of Peptide Ligands for Cancer Cell Imaging; Mentor: Dr. Gene Mash
Elizabeth Soltero - Making Chicana/o Education A Public Issue in Tucson, 1965-1972; Mentor: Dr. Lydia Otero
Jose Soto - US-Mexico Tomato Suspension Agreement: Analysis of Acres Planted in Sinaloa, Mexico; Mentor: Dr. Satheesh Aradhyula
Yer Xiong - Cancer Trends Along the United States-Mexico Border: 2001-2003; Mentor: Dr. Howard Eng

SRI 2005


2005 SRI Scholars

Jenny Billy - The Role of Climate Variability in the Sahel and Kalahari Deserts; Mentor: Dr. Chuck Hutchinson
Gail Bradford - Mentor, Dr. Lisa Staten
Shaun Brown - Leaks in Education Systems; Mentor: Dr. Barbara Becker
Christopher Chable - Face: Expanding the Chicano Canon; Mentor: Dr. Carlos Gallego
Benny Cocio - A Comprehensive Look at Diabetic Retinopathy in Mexican Americans; Mentor: Dr. Scott Carvahal
Rick Cruz - Methlyphenidate adn Parent-Identified Target Symptons: Developing a Patient-Based Approach; Mentor: Dr. Jaswinder Ghuman
Kimberly Cubit - Melanoma Patients' Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Genetic Testing; Mentor: Dr. Lois Loescher
Martha Dailey - The Effects of the English Only Movement on the Dine; Mentor: Dr. Roseann Gonzalez
Thuy Dao - Protein Synthesis and Heat Stress Phenotypes Suggest the Importance of Arabidopsis UVH6 for Plant Growth; Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Vierling
Suzana Diaz - The Color of Sexual Intercourse on TV; Mentor: Dr. Dale Kunkel
Onofre Escobar - They Sang at the Foot of the Black Hill: A brief History of Los Elegantes in Tucson; Mentor: Dr. Maribel Alvarez
Tiffany Forde - Identifying Interventions to Treat Obesity by Gender in Adolescents Ages 11-18; Mentor: Dr. Anabel Hill
Elyse Fune - The Effects of Acute Stress on Various Forms of Memory; Mentor: Dr. Jake Jacobs
Nicole Garrett - Writing a Marvelous Voice in the United States: Lo Real Maravilloso in Ana Castillo, Ron Arias, and Alejandro Morales; Mentor: Dr. Laura Gutierrez-Escarpita
Arlenn Mendez - The Diffusing Effects of Emotional Expression on Anxiety-Avoidance for Women Under Sterotype Threat; Mentor: Dr. Toni Schmader
Francisco Mendoza - The DREAM Act: Reconciling State and Federal Laws that Currently Empower and Discourage High Achieving Undocumented Students Seeking Postsecondary Education; Mentor: Dr. Lydia Otero
Leah Noriega - The Effect of Acculturation and Familism on the Use of HCS; Mentor: Dr. Janice Crist
Kristy Phillips - Correlation of Glucose Levels and Diabetes in Populations with High and Low Arsenic; Mentor: Dr. Mary Kay O'Rourke
Marcos Teran - Determining the Progression of Renal Disease in Diabetic Mice During Perimenopause; Mentor: Dr. Heddwen Brooks
Roy Vanegas - Linging Music Students and Music Instructors Via the Internet; Mentor: Dr. John Hartman
Maribel Vega - Mexico's Maquila Effect: Public Opinion and Attitudes on the 2006 Presidential Elections; Nogales Case Study; Mentor: Dr. Bill Beezley
Takis Weekes - Late 13th Century Abandonment at the Mogollan Rim Settlement of Bryant Ranch Pueblo; Mentor: Dr. Barbara Mills
Maria Williams - Volatiles of Developing Honey Bees as Detected By SPME; Mentor: Dr. Judith Hooper
Francine Women Dress - Mentor: Dr. Jennie Joe

SRI 2004

Consuelo Aguilar - Undocumented Persons Within the Criminal Justice System in Southern Arizona; Mentor: Dr. Rubio-Goldsmith
Lourdes Barrera - What is the Health Care Access Issue Along the U.S.-Mexico Border Region? A Retrospective Comparative Study of U.S.-Mexico Border States and Counties; Mentor: Dr. Howard Eng 
Carmen Batista - A Whole Hearted People: Qualitative Analysis of Alcohol, Violence, and Culture from Northwestern American Indian Tribe Focus Group; Mentor: Dr. Mary Koss
Sandra Chavez - Child's Play: An Analysis of Southwestern Pottery; Mentor: Dr. Nancy Odegaard
Katrina Claw - Dying of Shame: Pascua Yaqui Beliefs and Perceptions of Cancer; Mentor:  Dr. Merrill Eisenberg 
Anna Cordova - Heritage for Sale: The Looting of Arizona's Archaeological Sites; Mentor: Dr. John Madsen
Inez Duarte - Immigration Enforcement and Undocumented Migrants' Rights in the Arizona-Sonora Border (2004); Mentor: Dr. Rubio-Goldsmith
Shannon Franklin - African-American Website as an Extension of Black Media; Mentor: Dr. Beretta Smith-Shomade
Vanessa Garcia - Biohydrogenation Protection, Efficiencies of Rumen Inert Dietary Fats; Mentor: Dr. Lance Baumgard
Adrian Garcia-Sega - Extraction of Photographic Emulsion for Radiocarbon Dating; Mentors: Dr. Jull & Dr. Hodgins
Estehla Gonzales - Preliminary Evaluation of a Real-Time PCR Assay for the Early Diagnosis of Johne's Disease in Dairy Cattle; Mentor: Dr. Carlos Reggiardo
Jimmy Kirby, Jr. - Edutainment: An Examination of the Sacred Role of Rap Music; Mentor: Dr. Alex Nava
Connie Meza - Correlates of Sleep Related Variables and Academic Performance; Mentor: Dr. Richard Bootzin
German Murcia - Correlates of Metamemory in High vs. Low Frontal Lobe Performance in Older Adults; Dr. Al Kaszniak
Josh Romero - Testing the Cosmic Concordance Model: Are There Too Many Solutions to the Giant Arc Statistic Problem?; Mentor: Dr. Dennis Zaritsky
LeResse Shipp - For the Love of Black History: African American Women in Theater 1920-1965; Mentor: Dr. Wendy Theodore
Giorgio Sotiriou - NGO's, Neo-Liberalism, and Accountability Shelters; Dr. Suzanne Dovi
Aphrodyi Walker - Valley Fever and the Response of the Immune System in Smokers and Asthmatics; Mentor: Dr. Mary Kay O'Rourke
Stephanie Wong - Comparing Impact Melt Volumes on the Moon, Earth, and Mars; Mentor: Dr. David King