Funding Your Graduate Education

Teaching and research assistantships, traineeships and fellowships provide the most common forms of support for graduate students.  Assistantships at .50 FTE or higher include a stipend, health insurance, and full tuition. Assistantships at less than .50 FTE include a stipend, health insurance, out-of-state tuition, and 50% of in-state tuition:  Academic departments award assistantships and other field-specific fellowships and traineeships.  Please visit the website of the department you are interested in and contact the Graduate Coordinator or Graduate Director for more information.

Graduate Student Funding Overview Letter

Additional funding information and resources:

University of Arizona Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (OSFA):

Graduate College Funding and Financial Information: 

Graduate Access Fellowships:

The UA Graduate College's Graduate Access Fellowship is intended to broaden the access of U.S. students to graduate education and to promote the diversity of our graduate student body. Eligibility for these fellowships is restricted to incoming domestic graduate students who are newly admitted and who have shown academic achievement despite facing challenging social, economic or educational obstacles.  Each fellowship provides up to $4,000 to students admitted to a Master's program or up to $8,000 to those admitted to the Ph.D. program.  UA Online students and Accelerated Master's Program (AMP) students are not eligible to apply.  Graduate Access Fellowships are dependent upon the availability of funding and are limited to 3 awards per academic program.  Students may apply directly for the Fellowship or the academic department may nominate a student.   

NOTE:  McNair Scholars typically qualify for Graduate Access Fellowships.  

Arizona Financial Aid Trust (AFAT) - Need-Based Funding Awards for Graduate and Professional Students 
Graduate and professional students who demonstrate financial need (FAFSA required) are invited to apply for the "Graduate AFAT Need-Based Award" funding through Scholarship Universe.  The award amount is $3,000.  The application cycle is January  - June; priority deadline is March 1.  Students enrolled in "on-line programs" are not eligible.
How to Apply:
1. Log-in to Scholarship Universe
2. Search for Graduate AFAT in the top-right search bar.
3. Click "Apply" and follow the instructions.

UA/Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership (UA/SIGP) Scholarships:

The University of Arizona Graduate College is pleased to invite prospective  Native American graduate students to apply for admission and the UA/Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership scholarship to earn a master's and/or doctoral degree in one of 59 graduate programs offered by the University of Arizona in science, engineering, mathematics and agricultural fields (STEM fields).  Sloan Scholars may receive $21,000 for the MS  (total for the M.S. program), $50,000 for the Ph.D. program (total amount for Ph.D. program),  in-state and out-of-state base, Main Campus tuition (Fall and Spring only, does not include mandatory fees), faculty mentoring and academic support.  Contact Donna Treloar at

Initiatives for Maximizing Student Development for Ph.D.s (IMSD):

The University of Arizona Graduate College offers the prestigious National Institute of Health Initiative for Maximizing Student Development Graduate Study Awards to outstanding students who are admitted to one of sixteen Ph.D. biomedical programs at the University of Arizona.  IMSD Scholars receive a first year stipend of $30,080 plus individual student health insurance, and main campus base-tuition.  Travel funds may be available to attend a national conference and/or attend a graduate school career development seminar.  Admitting departments offer full funding beyond the first year.  Students cannot apply directly for this fellowship but are nominated by their graduate programs.  For more information contact Holly Lopez at

Knowledge Rivers Fellowship:

The University of Arizona School of Information Resources and Library Science (SIRLS) invites you to consider pursuing a unique kind of information profession.  Knowledge River, a Tucson-based educational experience, focuses on library and information issues from the needs and perspectives of Hispanics and Native Americans.  

Native American Student Affairs (NASA) Scholarships:

The Native American Student Affairs Office (NASA) coordinates Native American Scholarships for UA Native undergraduate, graduate, and professional students.   The Scholarships are made available on an annual basis and are drawn from various sources such as endowments, donors, and charitable trust funds.  A majority of the Scholarships are need-based.  Individual scholarship award amounts vary.  Applicants must verify enrollment with a federal or state recognized tribe.

The Roberti Fund for Native American Students

The Roberti Fund provides scholarships to Native American students who are members of federal tribes to pursue degrees in education, public health and other fields that can contribute to their nations' economic development and well-being. If you have any questions, please contact Donna Treloar at