Year-Round Programs
Application Priority Deadline: November 1 (may vary dependent upon program)!



Karla Smith
Program Coordinator, UROC-Prep
Phone: (520) 621-1207
Email: karlasmith@arizona.edu

U of A Graduate College’s UROC–Prep Program is a year-round undergraduate research and mentoring program for U of A students who come from backgrounds underrepresented in graduate education, and have interest in pursuing a research oriented graduate degree (Master’s or PhD). This program offers you an outstanding opportunity to learn how to conduct research, provide you with a summer research experience, and prepare for graduate studies. The program is fully sponsored by the University of Arizona Graduate College. UROC-Prep participants have gone on to graduate, medical, law and other post-baccalaureate programs, both at the University of Arizona and at other prestigious universities.  Many have already obtained a graduate or professional degree. UROC-PREP admits 6-8 students per application cycle.

The purpose of UROC-Prep is to:

  • provide you with the opportunity to work with U of A faculty on a research project
  • strengthen your academic skills
  • provide students with a summer-paid stipend of $5,000
  • give you an understanding of the approaches, issues, and research methodologies in your chosen field
  • encourage you to consider advanced study in the discipline of your choice at the University of Arizona
  • prepare you to be competitive in the graduate application process and beyond
  • enhance leadership skills through personal development workshops and interaction with peers
  • work with you through the graduate application as you are applying to schools for admittance

Timeline: This program begins in the spring semester on your junior year, and runs through the summer, and into the fall of your senior year. 

Program Benefits include:

  • A summer stipend of $5,000
  • Six units of upper-division summer undergraduate course credit (tuition and fees paid by the Graduate College)
  • A writing course designed to help with the basics of writing a research paper and creating graduate application materials 
  • A U of A Faculty mentor in your chosen field of study (may or may not be available for in person meetings)
    NOTE: we have a team of staff members to support scholars to achieve the objectives of the summer program
  • Summer coursework and workshops on organizing research, research ethics, public speaking/communication skills training, creating and presenting an outstanding research poster, and crafting a successful graduate school application
  • The opportunity to join with like-minded scholars in preparation for graduate school

All students that meet the following criteria may apply.  Students who have faced challenges in gaining access to higher education, e.g. pell eligible, first-generation college students are highly encouraged to apply. UROC is open to U of A students only

To qualify for this program, students must have:

  • Academic status of and undergraduate junior, or senior who is graduating in December of the following year
  • U.S. Citizenship, Permanent Residence or Refugee status
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above
  • Time to commit to a full-time schedule of 40 hours a week during the summer between your current and next academic year

Note: Students interested in professional school (i.e. MD, JD, DVM) are not eligible.

Students begin the program in the spring semester and enroll in a 3 unit reading and writing intensive course to strengthen your academic skills. You will work with the UROC Instructional Team on completing the first portion of a written research report which includes a review of relevant literature to better define your research interests. For spring, all students must attend COURSE TBA: Professional and Technical Writing which will be taught in person, on campus. Course meeting time TBA.

Students who have successfully completed the spring course continue into the summer research portion of the program. The summer programming includes: 

  • Working under the guidance of U of A Faculty mentor in your chosen field of study (may or may not be available for in person meetings)
    NOTE: we have a team of staff members to support scholars to achieve the objectives of the summer program
  • The creation of a research poster that will presented at the annual UROC Poster Session
  • The creation of an oral presentation that will be presented at the UROC Colloquium
  • Completion of research report, that includes an abstract of your summer research that will be published in the UROC Abstract Review 
  • Workshops on organizing research, research ethics, public speaking/communication skills training, creating and presenting an outstanding research poster, and crafting a successful graduate school application

You’ll also be enrolled six units of upper-division summer undergraduate course credit (tuition and fees paid by the Graduate College) credit:

  • GRAD 492: Directed Research (3 units) 
  • GRAD 495: Professional Writing (3 units)

NOTE: For the summer, a full-time commitment to all activities is expected of all UROC-Prep students (No exceptions).

Students continue into the fall semester and are registered for a 1 unit graduate school preparation course. You will work with the UROC Instructional Team on completing and submitting your applications to graduate school.

For fall, all UROC-Prep students must attend GRAD 496A: The Graduate School Application Process, which will be taught in person, on campus, and can offer honors credits. The class time options are listed below

  • Thursday, 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
  • Friday, 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm

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