New And Current Students

Academic Services, Policies, and Procedures

The Graduate Admissions and Degree Services (GrADS) team within the Graduate College is here to help students, faculty, and staff keep track of academic progress and the steps needed to complete a graduate or professional degree.

Funding Your Education

Professional Development

The University of Arizona has many resources to allow students to develop skills that will benefit them during their graduate education and their future career. These resources include writing resources, teaching workshops and seminars, and information on where students can learn to expand their language abilities.

Child Care Subsidies and Family Friendly Information

The Graduate College is dedicated to promoting and strengthening family relationships. Many resources have been designed to help graduate students balance and manage family, work, and school.

Health, Wellness and Safety

There are many campus resources available to help support the physical, mental and emotional well-being of graduate students. We encourage all students to become informed, and use these resources.

Other UArizona Resources & Information

Third-party Information & Resources

  • The Education Payoff -  This report examines lifetime earnings for all education levels and earnings by occupation, age, race/ethnicity and gender.
  • GradSense - Estimate your debt and income after graduation