UA Hispanic Alumni Graduate Scholarship Program

At a Glance

Number Awarded
12 TOTAL (over 2 rounds)
Amount Awarded
Application Period
Final Deadline is November 18, 2024!
By Application
Funding Type
Cash Award/Stipend
Eligibility Category
Domestic Doctoral Students
Domestic Master’s Students


The University of Arizona Hispanic Alumni (UAHA), the University of Arizona (U of A) Graduate College, and the Chaparrales/Rotary Club of Tucson collaborate to provide one-time Fall 2024 funding for Main Campus Az resident Master's or Doctoral degree seeking graduate students admitted to one of the academic units listed below whose research helps underserved Latinx communities. Awards are nonrenewable and provide $8,000 for fall 2024. (Previous UAHA Graduate Scholarship Program awardees, U of A Online, Professional Programs, Accelerated Programs and Distance degree seeking students are not eligible). 

  • Anthropology
  • Disability and Psychoeducational Studies
  • Educational Policy Studies and Practice
  • Educational Psychology
  • Geography
  • History
  • Latin American Studies
  • Linguistics
  • Mexican American Studies
  • Sociology
  • Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies

Application Deadline for Fall 2024 Round II awards: Monday, November 18, 2024! 



The applicant must

  1. Be a domestic degree seeking graduate student in good academic standing admitted to a Doctoral or Master’s main campus program in one of the following departments: Anthropology, Disability and Psychoeducational Studies, Educational Policy Studies and Practice, Educational Psychology, Geography, History, Latin American Studies, Linguistics, Mexican American Studies, Sociology, and Teaching Learning and Sociocultural Studies (Previous UAHA Graduate Scholarship Program awardees, U of A Online, Professional Programs, and Distance degree seeking students are not eligible). 
  2. Demonstrate sufficient need (per 2024-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid, FAFSA), 
  3. Be an Arizona resident*,
  4. Demonstrate knowledge and an understanding of and a willingness to serve the Latinx community in your application.

Graduate students hired on graduate assistantships or receiving QTR are eligible for this one-time award if sufficient need is determined.

*Applicants must be listed as Arizona residents in the UA system of record at the time of application to qualify for the award. To verify your residency, please log into UAccess Student>Personal Information>Demographic Data>Residency Information. If this is incorrect, please contact the Residency Office. There are no exceptions to the residency requirement.


Please prepare the following and submit with the application form

  1. A two-three (2-3) page essay describing the following (12 point font, double spaced):
    • your current research,
    • the impact of that research on underserved Latinx communities,
    • your career aspirations, and
    • how your plan to utilize your degree/research to help underserved Latinx communities in the future.
  2. An abstract (1-2 paragraph summary) of your research and the impact of that research on U.S. underserved Latino communities; this will be shared with the UAHA Board if awarded (12 point font, single to double spaced), 
  3. A current Curricula Vitae,
  4. Have a 2024-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file to demonstrate need, and
  5. One letter of recommendation from a current UA Faculty advisor that addresses the applicant's scholarship.  The letter of recommendation should be emailed to Donna Treloar, Director, Graduate Center Initiatives.


Donna Treloar, Director, Graduate Center Initiatives