GradPath Pending Transactions Page
Instructions for Faculty Approvers
- Log into Instructor Center in UAccess.
- Click on the “UA GradPath Pending Transactions” link (shown below) to open the page showing all GradPath forms awaiting your approval. This page opens in a new window.

- A page will open showing all GradPath forms currently awaiting action from you. You can click any column header to sort.
- To open a form, click on the student’s name. The GradPath form opens in a new window, where you can take any needed action (approve, deny, provide needed information, leave comments).

- After you render a decision on a form, you simply close that window. By clicking “Refresh” on the pending transactions page, you refresh the list so it shows only forms still needing your action.
- When you are done working on GradPath forms, simply close the pending transactions page (X in upper right corner), and you should still have your main Instructor Center page open to work in.