Recognized Degrees

Recognized undergraduate degrees must be awarded from a regionally accredited university or college in the United States and should be based on a unit of credit comparable to that defined by the Arizona Board of Regents. Typically, that is a 4 year undergraduate Bachelor degree.

A degree cannot ordinarily be recognized if it is based on:

  1. Credits awarded by post-secondary institutions in the United States that lack regional candidate status or accreditation.   Please refer to the Council for Higher Education Accreditation for more detailed information.

  2. Credits awarded by post-secondary institutions for life experience unless validated by the institution awarding the credits through the use of standardized or comprehensive examinations such as the College Level Examination Program or CLEP.

  3. Credits awarded by post-secondary institutions for courses taken at non-collegiate institutions such as governmental agencies, corporations, industrial firms, etc.
  4. Units awarded by post-secondary institutions for noncredit courses, workshops, and seminars offered by other post-secondary institutions as part of continuing education programs