Graduate College Policy on Micro-credentialing (Badging)
Approved by Graduate Council in March 2018.
Definition: GradBadges, or micro-credentials, are institutional acknowledgements of academic work that results in professional skills (e.g., responsible conduct of research, public speaking, financial literacy, leadership, etc.) but are not directly awarded university credit. They identify accomplishments in the non-credit offerings of the university. They complement classes, certificates, and degrees and do not replace them.
Employers increasingly utilize digital media to evaluate candidates. Micro-credentials showcase performance, demonstrate skills, and translate academic competencies into terms that non-academic employers are familiar with and value.
- All University, college, department, and program micro-credentials/badges targeted towards graduate students or an audience that includes graduate students must be approved by the Graduate Council Executive Committee. Micro-credentials must meet the criteria listed below to receive approval.
- Micro-credentials must adhere to institutional branding practices.
- Micro-credentials must be awarded using the institutionally approved platform
Micro-credential Proposal Requirements
Micro-credential proposals must include at least the following:
- Name of unit offering the micro-credential
- Description of target audience (e.g., grad students, undergraduates and graduates, non-student professionals, etc.)
- A description of the learning outcomes and goals for the micro-credential (this description will be displayed on the student’s badge pages)
- A description of the tasks required of the student (e.g., student workshops, writing assignments, learning plans, quizzes, peer review, etc.)
- A description of how the student’s accomplishments will be evaluated (e.g., peer review, faculty review, etc.)
- A description of the “evidence” for the badge/micro-credential that will be displayed with the badge (e.g., poster, video, grant proposal, IDP, etc.).
- Total time required to complete the badge. Suggested minimum of 10 hours.