Graduate Syllabus Policy

The graduate syllabus policy is housed with University policies.

In addition to the requirements listed on the University policy page, the following elements are recommended for the graduate syllabus:

  1. A list or schedule of topics or readings, if appropriate.
  2. A list of links for special resources for students (see template for a suggested example).
  3. A list of links about University Policies and student rights, responsibilities and accommodations (see template for an example).

Please also consider including this statement on mental health and wellbeing from Counseling and Psych Services:

Make Time for Your Mental Health & Wellbeing

The semester ahead may come with ups and downs, but there are lots of ways to support yourself, like self-care, talking with friends and family, or getting a fresh perspective from a supportive group.  Stress is a normal part of life and may even motivate you sometimes, but chronic or overwhelming stress can affect your mental health and wellbeing. Pay attention to your personal signs that you’re overly stressed, like changes in your mood, appetite, sleep, behavior, or new physical symptoms (aches, pains, etc.) that interfere with school and daily life. If you notice these signs or have questions about helpful resources, I welcome you to talk with me. You can also visit for mental health tools and resources.

Mental Health & Wellness Resources

Health & Wellness: Campus Health provides quality medical, mental health, and wellness services for students. Visit or call 520-621-9202 (520-570-7898 for help after hours)

Mental Health: Campus Health’s Counseling & Psych Services offers a range of mental health support tools and services like self-care strategies, peer support, groups and workshops, and professional mental health services. Visit or call CAPS 24/7 at 520-621-3334 to learn more.

Crisis Support:  

View the recommended Graduate Syllabus Template.

The syllabus is not limited to these required and recommended components. See Resource Links and Best Practices for Graduate Syllabi for links and additional information on instructional support and constructing effective syllabi. See Optional syllabus materials - student resources for additional information. 

Please note, in classes that are co-convened with undergraduate classes (400/500-level classes), the instructor may either have a single syllabus for the jointly convened class or separate syllabi for the graduate and undergraduate offerings. If a single syllabus is used it must meet the requirements of both the Undergraduate and Graduate syllabus policies and must clearly distinguish between graduate and undergraduate learning outcomes, requirements, and work expectations.